2023 -Patnership with Menslink

Conor McGregor Portrait

40 x 60 inches

Auctioned at the menslink Gala Ball for $6500.00 - All proceeds to Menslink.

Donated for the Menlink Big Night Out event 2023

Menslink was established to meet the increasing needs of young men and their families in our community.

2021 - Partnership with Menslink

Leo Sayer Portrait

48 x 64 inches

Auctioned at the menslink Gala Ball for $10,000.00 - All proceeds to Menslink.

Bringing vibrance and energy to your space with this incredible “acrylic on canvas” portrait of the iconic Leo Sayer by renowned artist Christopher Paul Toth.

Brilliantly created by artist Christopher Paul Toth, this large (1.5 m x 1.8m) piece of textured acrylic artwork jumps to life and creates a powerful statement.

Kindly donated by Christopher Paul Toth

Christopher is a proud supporter of Menslink.

2019 - Partnership with All Bids & Construction Control

Signed Portrait of Canberra Raiders captain Jarrod Croker by Christopher Paul Tóth

40 x 60 inches

Auctioned for $4500.00 - All proceeds to Menslink

To celebrate the official opening of "The Warehouse - Roast, Tap, Brew" located in the heart of Kingsborough, The Warehouse will be hosting local artist Christopher Paul Tóth as he unveils his latest piece, a portrait of our very own Canberra Raiders captain Jarrod Croker.All proceeds of this auction will be going towards Menslink, a local charity supporting young men through free counselling, volunteer mentoring and education programs.

  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • 150cm by 100cm
  • Signed by Jarrod Croker

2019 - Private Donation

Reece Summergreene Portrait

40 x 60 inches

Donated to the recipient and in lieu of payment a donation was made to menslink for $5000.00 - All proceeds to Menslink.

Menslink was established to meet the increasing needs of young men and their families in our community.

2019 - Partnership with Menslink

Limited Edition 7 piece print display of a Large scale mural completed in Kingsborough CBR

Auctioned at the menslink Gala Ball for $3500.00 - All proceeds to Menslink.

Donated for the Menlink Big Night Out event 2021

Menslink was established to meet the increasing needs of young men and their families in our community.

2018 - Partnership with Menslink

Jimi Hendrix Portrait

40 x 60 inches

Auctioned at the menslink Gala Ball for $7500.00 - All proceeds to Menslink.

Donated for the Menlink Big Night Out event 2018

Menslink was established to meet the increasing needs of young men and their families in our community.

2017 - Partnership with 'A Cure For Frejya'

Portrait of Wonder Woman

Auctioned at the Resplendent Ball for $7500.00 - All proceeds to Frejya Christiansen.


Thanks to the ongoing support of her treatment team and Metatron Australia, Freyja now 7 years old, has a real chance at life. By sharing her story and offering hope to others who we have come to know, I’m so proud of my girls to be part of that journey. I’m so grateful to all those who continue to share our journey and support us through donations of their time and money. Keeping us together is so important.